Why get help from a psychologist?

Maintaining mental health can be as complex as maintaining physical health, and you don't have to do it alone.

There is never a wrong time to seek help.  

Making the decision to seek help can be hard, there is still a lot of stigma around mental health. However, stigma is diminishing as people begin to accept that maintaining mental health can be as complex as maintaining physical health. There are many facets to maintaining mental health and if one thing goes, then it can be the one thing that was holding everything up. In these times, we go to see someone specially trained who can assess and treat us.  

Everyone experiences mental health challenges. And, for over 50% of Australians, those challenges become so great at some time during their lifetime that they need some support.  

If you’re not feeling like yourself, don’t wait to see if things get worse before seeking help.  

Research shows us that time to treatment is a critical factor in delivering great clinical outcomes. Longer wait times are associated with poorer outcomes and greater levels of symptoms.