What is a Medicare reference number?

It's the number next to your name on your Medicare card.

A Medicare Individual Reference Number (IRN) is a number that represents the position of a person on a Medicare card.

For example, a person who is listed second on a Medicare Card has an IRN of 2.

The IRN appears to the left of the patient’s name on their Medicare card. This is not a unique identifier.

While your Individual Reference Number is the number to the left of your name on your card, your Medicare Card Number is the 10 digit number that appears above your name, across the top section of the card.

When we ask for you Medicare card details, we will ask you for both:
  • Your 10 digit Medicare Card Number
  • Your single digit Medicare Reference Number 


In this example below the correct details are as follows: 

  • The Card Number is 1234567890 for the entire family
  • John Smith's Individual Reference Number (IRN) is 1
  • Helen Smith's IRN is 2
  • James Smith's IRN is 3
  • Jessica Smith's IRN is 4


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