How psychologists can help with anger management?

Anger management is an effective treatment for individuals seeking better control and understanding of their anger

Anger is a normal emotion that can be helpful when used appropriately. However, it becomes problematic when it negatively impacts various aspects of life, such as relationships or work.

Signs of problematic anger:

  • Constant feelings of irritability, rage, or anxiety
  • Frequent verbal, emotional, or physical attacks during conflicts
  • Concerns expressed by others about your anger
  • Increasing conflicts in personal relationships
  • Using substances to manage anger
  • Disproportionate or prolonged anger responses
  • Anger affecting unrelated situations
  • Feeling regretful after anger outbursts

If untreated, there are long term health effects of unmanaged anger. Some examples include:

  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • High blood pressure
  • Skin problems
  • Increased risk of heart attack or stroke
  • Other mental health issues (depression, anxiety)

A psychologist can help with anger management techniques like: 

  1. Identifying and changing anger-triggering thoughts
  2. Developing strategies to manage anger and negative emotions
  3. Relaxation and mindfulness training
  4. Learning assertiveness and conflict resolution skills

You can book an appointment in less than five minutes on our website.