How can psychologists help with autism?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterised by challenges in social interaction, communication, and restricted or repetitive behaviours or interests

Autism is often a lifelong developmental disorder affecting how individuals relate to people and their environment. Symptoms can vary in severity and may not always be recognised early in life.

Common ASD-related experiences:

  • Difficulty expressing thoughts verbally
  • Prolonged focus on specific interests in conversations
  • Challenges in maintaining eye contact or using appropriate body language
  • Unintentional rudeness or unfriendliness
  • Difficulty understanding others' emotions or non-literal language
  • Strong, focused interests
  • Distress with changes in routine
  • Experiences of prejudice or social exclusion
  • Desire for independence coupled with uncertainty about achieving it

Note: Experiencing these symptoms doesn't necessarily indicate ASD. Other factors, including mood states or personality traits, can cause similar difficulties. Autism assessments are used to evaluate functioning across various life areas. Diagnosis includes specific recommendations for management and treatment options if needed. psychologists offer therapy tailored to individuals diagnosed with autism, focusing on aligning treatment goals with individual needs. They can assist with:

  1. Managing symptoms
  2. Providing understanding of autism traits and their impact
  3. Developing behaviour management strategies
  4. Identifying triggers and reducing distress
  5. Recognising emotions and developing regulation strategies
  6. Improving social and conversational skills
  7. Applying tailored strategies outside therapy sessions

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