How can psychologists help with addiction?

Addiction can make you feel powerless, but effective treatment options exist, even if past attempts have failed.

Addiction is a compulsive need for a substance (e.g., drugs, alcohol) or behaviour (e.g., gambling, internet use). It involves:

  • Immediate rewards followed by delayed negative effects
  • Continued engagement despite known negative consequences
  • Feeling out of control or unable to stop

Physical addiction leads to tolerance, requiring increased amounts for the same effect. Dependence occurs when the substance is needed for normal functioning, making quitting difficult due to withdrawal symptoms.

Seeking professional help is crucial. Untreated addiction can impact your performance at work or at school. It can also impact your family life and relationships.

Common withdrawal symptoms:

  • Headaches and nausea
  • Cold sweats or tremors
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Intense cravings
  • Hallucinations

Types of addictions:

  • Substances: Alcohol, tobacco, opioids, prescription medications, cocaine
  • Behaviours: Gambling, shopping, food, sex, video games

Our psychologists can assist by:

  1. Understand underlying factors contributing to addiction
  2. Assess how lifestyle influences addiction or recovery
  3. Restructure negative thoughts and behaviors
  4. Monitor progress
  5. Set goals to control, reduce, or eliminate addictive behaviour

You can book an appointment in less than five minutes on our website.