How can psychologists help with adjustment difficulties?

Life transitions can be challenging for everyone. It's normal to experience stress, worry, or sadness during significant changes.

However, if these feelings become overwhelming and interfere with daily functioning, you may be experiencing an adjustment difficulty or disorder. In such cases, professional support can be beneficial.

Adjustment difficulties are unhealthy emotional states caused by identifiable stressors. These stressors can be brief or ongoing, such as:

  • Relationship changes or conflicts
  • Work or school problems
  • Health diagnoses
  • Natural or human-caused disasters
  • Life milestones (moving, retirement)
  • Loss of a loved one

Common symptoms are:

  • Anxiety, sadness, or anger
  • Preoccupation with the stressful event
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Lowered self-esteem
  • Social withdrawal
  • Physical changes (fatigue, indigestion, pain)

If you're experiencing these symptoms in response to a stressful change, seeking support can help you worth through it. Professional support with a psychologist can assist you in:

  1. Developing coping strategies for managing negative emotions
  2. Learning relaxation techniques
  3. Utilising available social support systems
  4. Enhancing self-efficacy and sense of control
  5. Identifying and challenging negative thought patterns

You can book an appointment in less than five minutes on our website.